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Comments (3)

Gushard - 27 July 22:24

Veux baise-toi doux lits, moi triste quand je suis seul!

Brannon - 8 August 14:31

Excellent café, à la fois brassé et grains entiers.

Kirby - 8 June 23:42

Dear Doctor Doe, I was out dancing with my friend and she was grinding I me. I got an erection and began to feel embarrassed. We kept dancing and neither of us said anything. What would be a proper way for me to either lose the erection or leave the dance floor?

Kampner - 23 December 19:50

That current looks crazy strong.

Slone - 25 January 07:13

That thing looks like the mouth of the damn preditor....who in the hell finds that sexy? Forget lunch on Sunday and Monday at the louvre, dig a hole and give that thing the proper burial!

Hoxsie - 1 December 15:40
